Gut health for Your Skin!

“Some true health accomplishments take time … For example I have suffered for 30+ years with skin issues. All of which I knew to be from bad bacteria overgrowth and NOTHING had ever worked. I was told nothing could be done for me and it was incurable!I knew that any of the issues I wasContinueContinue reading “Gut health for Your Skin!”

Happy Birthday to Me!

This sweet photo is me with my kids on my birthday a few days ago. I woke up that morning not only to remember that is was my special day but with a special little surprise visit from my monthly cycle. Sorry if TMI! I slept in a bit and went upstairs to find thatContinueContinue reading “Happy Birthday to Me!”

Mental Health starts with Gut Health.

Anxiety??  Read on. “Sooooooo, I have dealt with anxiety my whole life! Literally remember having to have my mom pray peace over me all the time when I was a child. Fast forward to starting Plexus and it has been the only thing that has helped my anxiety but I still had this one issue. BasicallyContinueContinue reading “Mental Health starts with Gut Health.”

Prebiotic Superfood Snowballs

“But what can I eat?” This is the usual response my 7yr old gives when asked to get ready for bed. The usual answer is, “Either a cheese stick or a boiled egg.” Truth is that is my usual answer most times he asks for a snack. I try to make sure I’m offering aContinueContinue reading “Prebiotic Superfood Snowballs”

My Before and after Photo

As long as I can remember, I would be in awe (many times jealous ) over the before and after photos/stories of “others” who have done what I desperately wanted to do: lose weightlose incheshave more energydo one handed plank push upssleep betterfix allergy symptoms I saw them as better, smarter, more accomplished than I.ContinueContinue reading “My Before and after Photo”

Gorgeous Embroidered Plexus Hats Now Available

You can now get a Plexus hat in three different styles to fit almost any head – Trucker Hat, Snapback Hat and Dad Hat – Shipped Free! Currently it’s only available in black with the Plexus pink logo at the moment but we have plans for more designs and color options in the future soContinueContinue reading “Gorgeous Embroidered Plexus Hats Now Available”

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