Healthy Hot Chocolate

Healthy Hot Chocolate Prebiotics are so important to our gut health! They feed the good probiotics to help keep our digestive health in balance. Plexus Lean not only has prebiotics but digestive enzymes as well! So this yummy cup of hot chocolate is highly absorbable and beneficial as well! High quality Cacao will also addContinueContinue reading “Healthy Hot Chocolate”

Prebiotic Superfood Snowballs

“But what can I eat?” This is the usual response my 7yr old gives when asked to get ready for bed. The usual answer is, “Either a cheese stick or a boiled egg.” Truth is that is my usual answer most times he asks for a snack. I try to make sure I’m offering aContinueContinue reading “Prebiotic Superfood Snowballs”

Beet the Heat with Quick Pickles – the yummiest way to consume Apple Cider Vinegar!

“An apple a day keeps the Doctor away!” Or so the saying goes! Perhaps they should say “A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar a day before a meal or 2 keeps the Doctor away!!!” Apple cider vinegar is the fermented juice made from crushed apples. While you can’t tell exactly the amount of nutrients inContinueContinue reading “Beet the Heat with Quick Pickles – the yummiest way to consume Apple Cider Vinegar!”

Half Way Healthy Blueberry Muffins

My husband and my daughter both have super high metabolisms. Something I can not relate to. I love to make yummy breakfasts but undoubtedly most of them have too much sugar. Or syrup on top of sugar. Something that I love. But, while I admittedly have a sweet tooth, they simply can’t eat high carbContinueContinue reading “Half Way Healthy Blueberry Muffins”

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